Personalized Healthcare for Everyone

We help healthcare providers fill in information gaps so that treatments become more effective.

Understanding patient-reported information has classically been impossible......

It may come as a surprise, but despite being the experts doctors know less about a patients health than they do.

Most healthcare providers want to spend more time with patients but are forced to cut visits short. It's not possible to collect and understand all the important details in a few minutes.

Those details matter, especially when creating a treatment plan.
We track and measure day-to-day health

It's common to feel better certain weeks, as opposed to others. With so much going on, it becomes hard to keep track of what's really making a difference in someone's health and wellness.

On top of that, cramming months worth of information into a short doctors visit is out of the question.

Our goal is to identify what is preventing someone from feeling their best, using only their day-to-day lifestyle information. Those findings can then be used by healthcare professionals to make treatments more effective during the next appointment.

We help clinics that are usually struggling with:
Measuring Patient Wellbeing

It's easy to read a blood test or a lab result but there's no scale for overall health. Since wellbeing can vary week-to-week, it becomes hard to keep track of all the contributing factors.

Inconsistent Treatment Results

Treatments results vary considerable from patient-to-patient. With so much going on, becomes difficult to pinpoint what activities are making a difference in each patient.

Capacity & Rushed Visits

With increasing patient complexity and patient-volume being a systemic problem, it can really take a toll on the mental health of providers and increase burnout.

If you're ready to learn how Flourish can make your treatments more personalized, we'd love to hear from you.



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